We are always looking for an enthusiastic, productive group of dedicated volunteers to donate their time and talents to assure the continued success of our homeowner’s association which help to keep our association fees very low.
As a volunteer, you will help to support and promote an appreciation of your neighborhood. Each area of volunteer assistance is a vital part of the continuing operation of River Falls. Volunteer opportunities exist throughout the year so whether you can donate your time on a regular basis or only occasionally, we invite you to bring your special skills and talents to work for the community. 
We appreciate all the volunteers who help maintain the value of our community and keep our homeowner’s association fees so low!

Architectural Review Committee (ARC):  
Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chair: JQ Crocker
Board Liaison: James Newland
The purpose of this committee is to promote and ensure a high level of quality, harmony, and conformity throughout the community.  The committee reviews homeowner's modification requests by applying the rules set forth in the Architectural Guidelines. Their review helps to ensure that proposed modifications maintain or enhance the value of the home which, in turn, maintains homeowner values for the community.
The ARC Chair is designated by the Board of Directors and can be from any section community (quarter acre, one acre, or five acre lots). The ARC committee members consist of at least one member from the five acre lots, at least one member from the quarter acre lots non-golf course, at least one member from the quarter acre lots adjacent to golf course, at least one member from the one acre lots, and a Member-At-Large who is appointed for a one-year term (any community) and could assume any position as vacancies occur. 
Communications Committee: 
In need of volunteers!!
Communications Committee Chair: Vacant
Board Liaison: Mark Redlinger
The purpose of this committee is to positively promote the community. In doing so, the Committee will implement and monitor effective means of communications that will advance the objectives of the Association, which includes through the website, Facebook, NextDoor, monthly newsletter, and welcoming of new residents.
Grounds Committee: 
Grounds Committee Chair: Uwe Kirste
Board Liaison: Ken Howden
The purpose of this committee is to work towards increased community property values through maintenance and enhancement of the common areas in order to maintain a cohesive appearance over all of River Falls.
Security Committee: 
Security Committee Chair: Curtis Brown
Board Liaison: Doug Clark
The purpose of this committee is to work closely with the chosen security vendor to ensure that the security equipment is working properly, handle processes and procedures when it may be necessary to pull video footage, and address security issues and concerns are they may arise in the community. 
Social Committee: 
Social Committee Chair: Nora Isasi
Board Liaison: Steven Luce
The purpose of this committee is to foster a cohesive community by organizing fun, interesting events for the entire community so neighbors can meet and socialize with each other. While we attempt to plan full-subdivision events throughout the year, we also encourage the formation of small groups within the neighborhood to meet the needs of all our residents. Events include happy hours, pool parties, neighborhood garage sale (advertising is provided by the HOA), etc.